Friday was a busy day. We got up to rain still. The remains of tropical storm May are slowly moving out of the Tide Water area. We drove to "Lowes" to pick up a slide out tray for the sink cabinet. While there Aunt Doris called and invited us to a spaghetti dinner. Sylvia stopped at Wal Mart to pick up peaches and nuts to make a "Peach Crisp" for desert. We enjoyed a good dinner and a good visit. We returned to the RV around 9ish.
This morning we got up at 6:45!!! We got dressed and went to the "Waffle House" for breakfast. Sylvia had biscuits and gravy while I had steak and eggs.
Today I cleaned the duct vent filters. A neighbor stopped and asked if I could help him start his motor home engine. Checking with a volt meter showed that the main disconnect solenoid was open. We discovered that the house battery's were discharged. This battery controls the solenoid.
Sylvia, Fay, and Jo have arranged a group lunch to be held here at the pavilion. We have invited Aunt Doris and her family to attend tomorrow at 2:pm.
3:pm there was a strong thunderstorm moving threw the campground. The storm lasted about 30 minuets and dropped about 2 inches of rain.
That's it from here. God Bless.
Started a new book
2 weeks ago