Sunday, May 17, 2009

Sunday 5-17-09

Thursday,we continued the set-up, set out the bird feeder, the chairs, and the outdoor carpet. basicly we just layed back and rested, recovering from the trip.
Friday, Sylvia had a fasting blood draw at the Doctor's office. While we were in the Chicopee area we called Glenn's brother Ray. We visited with Ray and Marie over coffee. We also called Kyle and chatted with him while he was at lunch. Jon was in a meeting and could not meet with us today.
Saturday morning was clear and sunny, Chamber of Commerce Weather. The flowers at out campsite look great.
From Drop Box

Jon and Lyssa came to the campground for the day. A humming bird also visited.

From Drop Box

Kyle, Jorge, Sandy,and Evalese arrived about 8 pm and we visited till about 10 pm. We had a campfire and roasted marshmallows, Allways a great time with a campfire and marshmallows.

Sunday morning was rain and cool. Temperatures struggled to reach 65 deg. Sylvia cooked a soup for dinner. Jon, Lyssa, Liticia, and Joshua came for a chat and dinner. Sylvia showed all her pictures of our travels.
Till later!

1 comment:

David Sussman said...

Just wanted to say Hi and that I agree campfires and marshmellows are always nice.