Saturday, March 28, 2009

Visit to Colorado City

Thursday the snow came down, 18 inches with high winds. 3 pm the Interstate 27 was closed to all traffic. The campground Friday.

From Colorado , Bishop Caste 09

Bri came to visit with our dogs.

From Colorado , Bishop Caste 09

Then we drove her home and visited there a while.

From Colorado , Bishop Caste 09

Saturday we drove to"Bishop Castle". Jim Bishop began work on the "Castle" in 1969 all by himself.

From Colorado , Bishop Caste 09

From Colorado , Bishop Caste 09

From Colorado , Bishop Caste 09

Sylvia in the grand chair.
From Colorado , Bishop Caste 09

The drive to the "Castle" was very scenic.

From Colorado , Bishop Caste 09

Till n ext time!


A couple of newer paintings 2019 said...

Wow, talk about a Winter Wonderland! Did you have to winterize your motorhome?

Chris said...

I saw a show on TV about the castle guy, he's sort of nuts isn't he?

Nice pictures, I hope to full time sometime myself..someday maybe..

Speedy said...

Gee and you went there on purpose? I would have been cold just looking out the window...

Joe and Sherri