Sunday, July 5, 2009

High Falls

Friday we went to Malone see the old high school building.The building is now a Junior High School.Much of the building remains.

From Malone & Chateaugay

We drove to High Falls Park in Chateaugay, NY

From Malone & Chateaugay

The falls are 120 ft high.

From Malone & Chateaugay

The rain fell all day. This is the pond above the falls, notice the rain.

From Malone & Chateaugay

Sylvia in the woods.

From Malone & Chateaugay

We had diner with Pete and Marilyn on the 4th. Babbling Brook had live music in the evening.
Today, Sunday, after moving to a new site, one where we can get Wi-Fi, I visited high school friends Gary and Leroy.
Thats it for now.

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